In 2013, the Texas Legislature eliminated the requirement that APRNs have on-site supervision by a physician, yet the state continues to mandate anti-competitive, often costly contracts with physicians in order to provide care for Texas patients. This is inhibiting APRNs from expanding into rural and other under-served areas, where they can increase access and options for Texas patients across the state.
It also puts Texas at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to retaining and attracting the healthcare workforce we need.
During COVID-19, Gov. Abbott waived this licensing provision as well as other regulations that were preventing Texans from getting the health care they need. We can’t wait for the next health care crisis to address these licensing barriers. Texans need care now. It's time to make that waiver permanent.
Removing this outdated mandate is a top legislative health care agenda item for a growing number of diverse organizations and stakeholders working to improve health care access in our state. The House Research Organization noted making emergency licensing provisions permanent and allowing APRNs to practice without physician contracts among items the 87th Legislature could consider. Groups like Texas 2036 and Young Conservatives of Texas have named this as a top health care priority, as have members of the Texans for Health Care Access Coalition, which includes:
Americans for Prosperity - Texas
APRN Alliance
Coalition of Texans with Disabilities
Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse Midwives
Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Leading Age Texas
Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Philippine Nurses Association of America
R Street Institute
Texans for Midwifery
Texas Association of Benefit Administrators
Texas Association of Business
Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Texas Association of Health Plans
Texas Association of Health Underwriters
Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute
Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists
Texas Business Leadership Council
Texas Employers for Insurance Reform
Texas Impact
Texas Nurses Association
Texas Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition
Texas Nurse Practitioners
Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals
Texas Physician Assistant Business Alliance of Texas
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Texas School Nurses Organization
Texas Silver Haired Legislature
The Heartland Institute
The Libre Initiative
University Health System
Veterans Deserve Care